Food Donation Brazil

NGOs (Non-Governmental organizations)

Banco de Alimentos (Food Bank)

Founded in 1998, the NGO Banco de Alimentos is a civil association that collects food that has lost its shelf value in commerce and industry, but is still fit for consumption, and distributes it where it is most needed. Instead of discarding vegetables, pasta, fruits, among others, the partners donate the surplus to the NGO that passes everything on to the social entities registered in the project. This distribution allows the nutritional supplementation of meals served to thousands of children, young people, adults and elderly people in the city of São Paulo, every day.

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Email address:
Phone: +55 11 3674-0080
Mon. to Fri from 09:00 to 18:00

Amigos do Bem (Good Friends)

Our work began in 1993, with a small group of friends, led by Alcione Albanesi. Today, we are one of the largest social projects in the country and we regularly serve more than 75,000 people in the backlands of Alagoas, Pernambuco and Ceará.
We promote the transformation of thousands of lives through ongoing projects in education, income generation and access to water, housing and health. We are breaking a secular cycle of misery in the sertão. With opportunities, more than 10,000 children and young people already see a different future.

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Email address:
Phone: +55 11 3019 0107